
Hard Candy

The combination of sweet and chili make Mexican hard candy unique. There are different combinations with sweet, chili, fruits that make them and acidulated fruit flavor. Mexican hard candies come in many flavors, shapes, colors and textures, some are sweet and sour while others are sweet and spicy, and their hot intensities vary.

  • Delicious, sweet and sour little candies in ball shape with four different flavors such as grape, strawberry, orange and lime.

    Anahuac Jugos De Sabores 12-Pieces Pack

    Sweet and sour ball candies in four different flavors-grape, strawberry, orange and lime. Let the fun begin! Anahuac Jugos De Sabores is another iconic Mexican hard candy. 4 flavors, four boxes of an incredible variety of Mexican representative fruits...

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  • Mexican Candy: Lollipops pollito asado. Little Chicken Alvbro lollipops are shaped like little chickens. Fruity tasting acidulated hard candy lollipop with chili. Try these spicy orange and pineapple flavored lollipops that are in the shape of roasted chicken.

    Alvbro Pollito Asado 40-Pieces Pack

      At My Mexican Candy we want to introduce you to another of the popular lollipops that Mexicans fully enjoy. This lollipop belongs to the Mexican candy brand "Alvbro" and has a creative and curious shape of a chicken, which is how its name...

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  • Acidulated hard candy lollipop with the fruity and delicious flavor of cucomber filled with chili powder on the inside! Presentation with 40 pieces of individual lollipops on the inside! Mexican Candy: Rico Pepino. Acidulated fruit flavor hard candy lollipop filled with chili, in a cucumber slice shape.

    Alteño Super Pica Pepino 40-Pieces Pack

    Acidulated fruit flavor hard candy lollipop filled with chili, in a cucomber slice shape. Would you like to try something refreshing? That’s what you are going to find inside this Alteno Super Rico Pepino. All the refreshing flavor of the cucumber...

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  • Pineapple flavor and shape lollipop. This acidulated hard candy lollipop has the delicious sweet and fruity flavor f the pineapple and the spicyness of chili powder. Hard Candy Pineapple lollipops with fruity and spicy flavor. This bag contains 40 pieces inside.

    Alteño Super Piña Loca 40-Pieces Pack

    Acidulated fruit flavor hard candy lollipop filled with chili, in a pinapple shape. Alteno Super Piña Loca may be one of the most traditional hard Candy lollipops in Mexico! This acidulated hard candy lollipop is full of fruit and chili essences,...

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